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Health, Hair & Beauty

We strive to address health and beauty both inside and out, for ultimately, your health is the core of your beauty; it’s your greatest wealth and most valuable asset.

Below you'll find timely tips, healthy nuggets and nourishing wisdom to help you maximize your beauty by maximizing your health.

Think of it as Tasty Brain Food... Eat Up!

Where Are Your Habits Leading You?

by Jack Canfield

You are an accumulation of your habits. From how you get out of bed, how you shower, how you dress, how you walk, sit, and talk, how you respond to the world, how you act in front of others, and how you think; you're living out your habits.

Habits are necessary. They free up your mind so you can concentrate on how to day to day. You don't have to think about how to drive your car so you can be on the lookout for danger while you are driving. You don't have to think about how to walk so you can concentrate on where you're going.

Unfortunately, habits can also keep you locked in self-destructive patterns, which will limit your success.

To become successful, you will need to drop bad habits and develop new ones that are in line with the life you want to live.

People don't suddenly appear in the life they want to live... their habits determine their outcome!

What are the habits you have that are keeping you from achieving your goals?

Really be honest with yourself here... Are you always running late? Do you return phone calls within 24 hours? Do you get enough sleep? Do you follow through on your promises? Do you plan out your day?

Imagine what your life would be like if all your habits were their productive counterparts!

What would your life be like if you ate healthy meals, exercised and got enough sleep? What if you saved your money, stopped using credit cards and paid cash for everything? What if you stopped procrastinating, overcame your fears, and began networking with people in your field? Would your life be different? I bet it would!

So, my suggested action step for you is to write down some productive habits you could adopt and visualize in your life, step two is to 'act as if' you were living these new habits right now!

I'd like to help you get moving toward creating more successful habits, so I'd recommend you develop four of your new success habits each year, one for each quarter.

Once you pick the new habit you're ready to adopt, next you'll want to create a method that will support your new habit.

Here are some ideas... You could write it down on a card that you keep with you and read several times a day. You could make it a part of your daily visualization. You could also enlist the help of an accountability partner who has habits to or work with a personal coach who can keep you on track.

It's important to make a 100% commitment to your new habit, so be specific about the steps that you're willing to take in order to drop an old habit and adopt a new one. Don't be vague about how you will change your habits. Spell it out for yourself so you can recognize situations that motivate you to act out your new habit.

Just developing four new habits a year will dramatically shift your life to be more in line with your vision. And the more in line it becomes, the easier the other habits are to replace because your perspective is shifting and you can see more clearly how your old habits aren't serving you anymore.

Make the commitment. Then watch your new, positive life unfold!

© 2008 Jack Canfield

Hair Therapy:

The Physical and Emotional Process of Going Natural

Thinking about going natural? Hair therapist Nikki Walton reveals the secrets to having a smooth, successful transition.

Posted on 9/09/2013 |

The process of "going natural" is highly personal and there is no right or wrong way to do it. While many opt to do the "Big Chop" – to chop off all of their chemically treated hair at once – others choose to slowly grow out the relaxer, or "transition." The benefit of transitioning is that you get to keep your length while your natural hair grows in. Since your hair has two very different textures, breakage and shedding can become a problem. Here’s how to have a smooth, successful transition:

Avoid Heat

Excessive heat styling is dangerous as it compromises protein bonds. Using heat as a crutch while transitioning can result in an uneven curl pattern, loss of curl and breakage. Sadly, this damage is irreversible and you’ll be facing yet another transition.

Try Low Manipulation Styles

Choose styles that seamlessly blend the two textures (and don’t stress your edges!). Twist and braid-outs, pin curls, roller sets, buns braids should be your style staples. Handle your hair gently and infrequently and remember to moisturize.

Gently Detangle

The line of demarcation is where your natural hair meets the chemically treated hair. It is a point of weakness and the source of breakage for many transitioners. For this reason, use your fingers instead of combs and brushes when detangling and styling.

Deep Condition

Your relaxed ends need protein to maintain strength and prevent breakage. I recommend monthly protein treatments and weekly moisturizing deep treatment with heat. Your hair will thank you later!

Have Patience

You’re gonna need it. The two very different textures can be overwhelming, often the reason why many women chop prematurely. And a hasty Big Chop could lead to a return to the relaxer, or months of confidence issues related to your hair.

Transitioning to natural hair is not only a physical but a psychological one. It takes not only information and inspiration to rock curly hair in a straight world, but loads of self-confidence as well. In most cases, you must fake it till you make it. Pretty soon, the real confidence will come in – and not only will you notice, but everyone around you will too. Here are some tips to keep you motivated on your journey.

Be Flexible

Transitioning and natural hair is anything but predictable. I’ve been natural my entire life, and can’t get "product x" with "styling technique y" to yield the same result on Monday as it did on Saturday. This is why you must be flexible! Go with the flow and exude confidence despite the fact you may not be 100% happy with the results. No one knows you’re having a bad hair day but you! Add some bobby pins, bun it, swoop it, pomp it, whatever! Your confidence will shine through and people will know, that you know, that they know you look fly!

Be Educated

I educated myself on care methods and styling options. I became an expert at looking after my curls. It’s the lack of skill and knowledge that will send you running back to that flat iron or relaxer.

Be Vocal

Vent! Vent online or to real life curlies at a natural hair meetup. You might be surprised that your problems are not unique to you. Sometimes, just the act of talking it out and getting it off your chest can be very cathartic! You are changing a part of your self-image so some discomfort is expected!

Be Health Focused

Refocus your energy from aesthetic styling techniques to overall hair health. Trust me, everything else will fall in place when you’re working with strong, healthy hair. It’s the foundation of awesome styles! So today, if you haven’t already, incorporate the pre-poos, the deep treatments, the finger detangling ... in a few months, you’ll be surprised at what styles you can pull off!

Be Mindful

Remember your reasons for going natural. Why did you decide to transition in the first place? Don’t lose track of your intentions. Nothing worth having is easy to achieve. Also, take less stock in other people’s opinions – that includes snide remarks and compliments. It is your thoughts and feelings that count most.

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